Sunday, November 11, 2007

We're Montanans Now!

Quick update - we made it. We are in Great Falls, Montana and have been for a month now. I'm sorry it's taken so long for me to update you, but man, what a month it has been. I still feel like I'm losing my mind. I must have left it somewhere on the highway 15. Anyway, we're living with Zach's parents which is wonderful. They are very laid back and welcoming, so no complaints there. Zach is still looking for work. There are a lot of jobs available but not so many that pay what he'll need to support us if I stay home. He's got a few opportunities that are looking promising at the moment and we're just counting on the Lord to place him in the one that's best. I've been home with Gavin who is growing like crazy. He has changed so much just in the month that we've been here. We just bought him a highchair which he loves, he's sitting up by himself now and even starting to pull himself up. He's STILL teething, so everyday is different but so blessed. The weather is not bad at all. We've actually been really blessed to have temps in the 50's and 60's lately. Today is a bit colder so far - it started around 20 and it's slowly warming up. But we've only seen a very very light dusting of snow about a week ago, so things are good. Praise God that we found a church that we really really like and on the first day we sat right in front of two couples from Santa Barbara. We clicked right away and since they both have small children, one has 2-yr-old twins and one has a 9-month-old, we have some things in common. Praise God. That was one thing I was really praying about - meeting friends. They've taken me to they're favorite shops downtown and had us over for dinner. So, that's been a real blessing. God is so good. Please pray that there would be no spiritual slumber for us - that our faith in Christ would be strengthened daily and that we would be a light to this family. Thank you for checking in and please leave a note.

Bless you.


Thursday, October 4, 2007

My New Home Based Business

Hey everyone,

Per my last blog, here is the link to my website for my new Creative Memories business. There are so many great products for both seasoned scrapbookers and novices alike. There's even products for people that aren't "crafty" but really need some great gift ideas or have really wanted to create a family album but need something simple and quick to get started. Check out my webpage and feel free to contact me if you have questions.

Thank you and God Bless you!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

The Countdown

We're getting so close to our move and yet it doesn't seem real. I think it's because we haven't exactly pinned down a date. We've been waiting on my employer to determine the date on which I can leave (long story). So, we know it's going to be the second week of October and we've given notice at our apartment complex that we'll be out on the 10th but it's still subject to adjustment. But, we're very excited! I've started my business as a Creative Memories Consultant - yeah! The link to my website will be posted later if you'd like to check it out. :) No pressure. We've packed about half of our stuff but you know when you start packing it doesn't seem like much and then you start pulling stuff out of nooks and crannies that you haven't seen since you moved in and all of a sudden your few boxes turned into 50 boxes? I have a feeling it's going to be like that. The funny thing is though that the Lord has completely prepared us for this - for those of you that don't know us very well - we've attempted to move several times. I've counted 5 actual moves since Zach and I first started dating a little over 3 years ago! We've also "almost moved" a time or two when we packed our stuff only to end up staying after God stretched out His hand and turned us around. So, I have to praise God that we are well prepared. I had to tell my family that we are "actually moving this time". We're sad but excited for a new start.

On another note, Gavin is teething. I'm excited but at the same time I can't wait for it be over - he's a mess. He's having a hard time eating and sleeping, he's had a little fever and he's just plain fussy. Poor Daddy, home with Gavin while Mommy goes to work today. I know this too will pass.

I feel like I have so much going on in my head and my heart today...I just can't get it all out. My Spirit is mourning for a family who lost their their 9-day-old baby girl yesterday who was born with Trisomy-18. If you would like to visit their blog and send prayers their way, I'm sure it would be appreciated. I haven't been having (or, I should say taking) my prayer time in the morning and it's been showing. Zach and I have been bickering a little more than usual, so it's really on my heart to focus more on our relationship and lifting him up. I just found out we've got issues with our medical insurance and although I know it's going to get worked out, I'm frustrated. I just got my Creative Memories business start up kit and I'm excited and want to start working on getting that set up, but considering we're moving it's a little difficult and counterproductive to try to set up my business. (I'm trying to get all of these things off of my mind so I don't dump on Zach when I get home - he really doesn't like that). Hhhhmmm, what else....I guess I just have a lot to do and I need to sit down and prioritize.

Anyway, I'll stop dumping on you guys and talk to the Lord and get this stuff down on paper. Bless you and please send me a note if you stop by.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

News Flash

Well, for those of you that haven't heard, Zach and I will be taking Gavin and escaping to Montana - permenantly, for now (if that makes sense). We're going to be moving in the beginning of October. We just can't seem to keep still for more than a few months at a time. It's all good though. The Holy Spirit moves like the wind and where He goes, we will follow.

This decision comes with mixed emotions - radical joy because I will be able to stay home with my little angel and deep sadness to leave the place I've been my whole life and the loved ones that will remain. I have been praying my heart out about being home with Gavin and I knew He would come through. Praise God. It's so clearly in His will and in His hands, thank God. Zach and I couldn't do this without Him - we've tried many times in vain.

It's such a difficult thing, to leave the familiar comfort of "home" and those that I love. But, that is what God has called us to - a life of the unfamiliar and the uncomfortable. He is constantly asking us move, speak, think, act and love in ways that we've never done before. That's the beauty of a life in submission to Jesus Christ. We are constantly being refined. Unfortunately, when you have loved ones who aren't living with Christ as the priority, people get hurt and angry with this kind of lifestyle. My one prayer at the moment is that good will come from this. And I know it will because it is His will - "Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life" - Psalm 23:6 and "we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him..." - Romans 8:28. Even though I know it, I'm still praying for it. That is the cry of my heart.

Then, the other half of me reminds me that I'm so excited and ready for a change. Putting my angel in daycare is killing me. I've determined that he cries a lot while he is there because 3 nights now I have noticed his voice being all scratchy and hoarse. I thought he might be getting sick but over the weekend it went away and now it's back. :( That makes me very grumpy. I know I should ask our child care provider (she is someone that I trust from church, so I know nothing "bad" is going on and I know she just doesn't want me to worry), but I'm just not sure what to say. I know that he's ok, he's probably just uncomfortable (he is a creature of habit for sure) and stressed not being with his mommy. It just really hurts my heart, you know? I've been reading the blog pages of many SAHM lately and the more I do, the more impressed I am. I believe 100% that being a SAHM is more difficult and takes more discipline than a job alone could require of me. I am constantly learning from these women about organization, creativity, cooking/baking, cleaning, child care, frugality, godliness, marriage and much much more - and that's just from reading their blogs! I can't wait to join this growing group of outstanding women. But, I will be starting to sell some products from a direct selling company to assist my wonderful hubby in supporting our family. I think I'll do scrapbooking with a company called Creative Memories. I've actually never scrapbooked before :) but I'm really interested in it and have just started our first family scrapbook. Plus, my mother-in-law is a very very crafty woman and would love to help me get started (oh yeah, we're moving in with his parents to get started). But, I figure Montana is the place to sell crafty stuff because that's what most people do in the winter when it's too cold to go out side. Anyway, there's the update.

If you've come to visit our page, send me a note. I'd love to hear from you!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

What a gift

I've got more pictures to share with ya'll but first I have to share that finally, at 3 1/2 months, Gavin has become the sweet little baby I knew he was. He has become so much happier and playful. He sleeps much better and the night before last he started sleeping through the night. Praise God! God is so good. I started back at work yesterday :( . That is not what the Lord has put on my heart to do - He absolutely wants me home with my son. We're praying about it and looking for Him to clear the way. Anyway, here are the pics. GOD BLESS YOU.

Isn't he cute? Yeah, Gavin is too.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

New Pics

He loves the bath but this last picture is not is getting better though. :)

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Two Month Mark

I know, long time, no blog. Well, besides not having much time for it, just when I think I know what's going on it all changes again. So I don't really know what to say. We're at the 2 month mark now and I think I see my sanity standing a short distance away. God is so good though. This has definitely been a time of standing firm and learning to use the tools He has provided. Gavin is getting so big - 24 1/2" and 11 lbs. Thank you all for the prayers. I'll post pictures soon.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

One month check point

So, we've spent the first month trying to figure out if there's something wrong, or if our baby is just fussy. I think he's just fussy. I wouldn't call it colicky, but he's definitely easily upset and not easy to soothe. Plus, he's a REALLY good eater - which means he's crying a lot to be fed. He's already grown 3 inches and gained 4 pounds! I was worried that he's just eating to soothe himself, but the doctor said that's fine as long as he's healthy. So, ok, I can accept that we just have a difficult baby. As long as I know he's healthy and his needs are being met, I can have tons of patience (with the Lord's help, of course) and I can sit for hours rocking him and relaxing. It's the unknown that's irritating - when you don't know if he's hungry, sick, tired, gassy, hot, cold, etc. etc. and you spend all day and night trying to guess which one it is and each time you get rejected with the same scream that says, "YOU'RE KILLING ME!" - that's what's difficult. Those are the days when Zach comes home only to find the two people he loves the most in tears. It is getting a little better as I get to know his cries and the things he likes and doesn't like and I know this whole "fussy stage" typically ends around 3 months, so, we'll be just fine. The only thing is that it's difficult to have anyone else watch him for any amount of time (so that I can take a shower or just get out a for a bit) because I'm the only one learning what he likes and doesn't like and how to soothe the crying. Well, my step mom Monica has been around a lot. She's been the biggest help and a HUGE blessing - spending a few nights with me here and there so I can get more than 4 hours of sleep, coming over so I can take a shower, taking me and Gavin to his doctor appointment when I didn't have a car, picking up groceries for us. For all that she and I have been through in the past and the way I treated before I knew am I blessed that the Lord has put forgiveness in her heart for me. Now, I just have to keep praying that one day she will come to know Christ too. Anyway, gonna get going and prep for the next feeding before I go to bed. God bless.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Well, once again, not much time to write - I've got to get some time in with Zach before he heads off to work and the baby should be getting up any minute for a feeding. I just wanted to let ya'll know that we're hangin' in there. Things are getting better, like everyone says. We're learning more and more about this little guy and about ourselves every day - although the days are all mushing together; I constantly have to be reminded of what day it is. We're learning that running errands takes days instead of hours, the real meaning of patience was way beyond our understanding before having Gavin, eating, taking a shower, and going to the bathroom are luxuries, and we all need help sometimes. Personally, I'm learning, as the Lord has tried to teach me many many times but my pride and fear has always gotten in the way, that you can never have too many friends and you need at least one - your husband doesn't count, that you can talk to about anything. I'm still having a hard time reaching out to people as I've been avoiding making friends for so long, that I don't have that one good friend - and this is a hard time to learn that you need one. I've got many wonderful people in my life, many of which I've started a friendship with, but none that I've known for very long or have spent enough time with - which is my fault. And there are many people that have been such a blessing to us - going grocery shopping for us, calling me (even when I don't call them) to check on me, coming over to spend time and to give me a chance to take a shower and do the laundry, praying for us - Thank you to all of you.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

So far, so good

Well, it's been quite a rollercoaster! Emotions are everywhere. The first couple of days were not too bad. It seemed like this was do-able and Zach and I were adjusting wonderfully. After about day 3, Gavin began crying and screaming for hours on end and didn't stop until the next evening when we decided to change the way we were feeding him. We figured he might not be latching on properly so he might not be getting enough to eat. Things have mellowed out a bit since then and we're starting to get into a little groove. Starting is key word here. He's already gained a pound and grown an inch, so I guess he's getting enough now. He eats like most boys - he's a bottomless pit. Zach and I are still adjusting, especially since Zach is now working nights - 10 pm to 6 am - at a new job site. It works out pretty well, but right now it's hard for him to find time to sleep. The awesome thing is that he works right down the street now, so no more one hour plus commute. We prayed and prayed about that, so praise God. My family has been a HUGE help with picking up groceries and coming over just to chat. It gets pretty lonely over here in what I now call "The Cave". That's our house, it stays dark for most of the day to accommodate the baby's sleeping patterns. He is getting better about sleeping at night though. He wakes up for feedings, of course, but he doesn't sit up awake for hours after eating - he goes right back to sleep. If he doesn't, you can find me bent over him sleeping in the rocking chair.

Emotionally, every day is different. I've been having a hard time, which was to be expected with all the crazy hormones and stuff. Poor Zach. I feel like I'm on auto-pilot and the full depth of this hasn't hit me because I'm too busy doing what needs to be done - what I was made to do. It's getting a little better though as I get more and more adjusted. Anyway, enough chit chat. Here are some more pictures.

Thursday, May 10, 2007


Well, as you can imagine, I don't have much time to write, but I thought I'd post some pictures of the newest edition to our family. Gavin James Podry was born on Saturday, May 5th at 11:04 a.m. He weighed 6lbs 11 ounces and was 20 1/2" long. He's beautiful, as you can see.

Well, I'm sure we'll have more pictures to share as soon as Zach and I get into a groove with this whole Mommy and Daddy thing. What a blessing.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Anything yet?

Nope. Still waiting. He's due today, so we'll see how it goes....

Monday, April 23, 2007

Waiting Patiently...Sort of

So, today is my first Monday home. I'm trying not to over do it on the first day (hence the reason I'm taking a break to blog). Last Saturday was the 3rd and final babyshower - it's such a blessing to have friends and family that care so much. Yesterday church was great; we met a couple that we've seen there for a while, but we've just never talked to. Johnny and Vanessa - they're cool people. They remind me a lot of Zach and I. Then, Monica (my stepmom) came over and checked our new place and we went to Babies R Us to get the last of the essentials cuz I really think this baby is going to be ready any day now - maybe that's just wishful thinking. I have a feeling that I'm going to do everything today - all the things that need to get done around the house - and by tomorrow I'm going to be bored out of my mind. :) That's something I would do. I'm going to have a hard time resisting going back to my office and seeing if they need help with anything. I'm sure I'll make do though.

Zach is doing pretty well. He applied at a restaraunt and went in for a second interview but we haven't heard back yet. We'll see where the Lord takes him. But, he is doing a little better at work because he started witnessing to a guy and a few days later his wife came to the Lord, so Zach's pretty stoked about that. He knows that his line of work is a prime place for sharing the Gospel, as so many of those men are in and out of prison or have just had it rough in life and you can see it in the way they talk and treat each other. I'm praying that a job will open up closer to home because it's really just the commute that's killing him. If that's the case we'll have to start figuring out child care. But, like I've been telling everyone else who asks, "We're playing it by ear." I'm not worried about how it's going to work out because that wouldn't be helping anybody. Faith is not the absence of doubt but the presence of belief - like Pastor Rick would say - and I believe.

Monday, April 16, 2007


We went to see a perinatalogist today because my obgyn saw what he thought might've been a cystic area in the baby's brain at our last ultrasound. At first I was worried and scared but I prayed about it and the Lord gave me peace knowing that the baby was fine. A couple days ago when I set up the appointment, the receptionist made some comments that brought on a renewed sense of fear and doubt, but again, I prayed about it (after having a bit of a melt-down) and felt the same peace. So, the appointment confirmed that we have a healthy and super cute baby cooking and he's growing right on track! Praise GOD! Our apartment is coming together - we went to IKEA this weekend and bought an entertainment center and a dresser for the baby. We finished painting the baby's room and got the crib set up and some things put away. Slowly but surely we're getting ready for our little man - Gavin to arrive. Yes, we have finally decided on a name.

This is my last week of work, thankfully, because it's really getting tiring and there are still many things that need to be done. Other than that, not much new to report. Feeling blessed and looking forward to hearing from you all.

Friday, April 6, 2007

Belly Pics

So, this is me right now. Like, literally, Zach just took this picture. In our new apartment. 35 weeks. I went through all of the baby clothes that we've recieved as hand-me-downs and got rid of all the things we're not going to use. Now, I just have to wash everything. So, I'm tired. I just wanted to put this up since I haven't seen you (Ron & Amie) in a very long time. So, good night from me and Zach (and Little Man).

P.S. What do you think about James Gavin/Gavin James? Zach wants to know. :)


Ok, so I don't have the belly shots to post yet, but here are some pictures from our trip to Montana last September -

More pics to come...

Friday, March 30, 2007

More changes...what's new?

So, I tried to post a new blog yesterday and I clicked "publish" after writing a big long page of stuff, and it didn't work. I lost everything I had written and I got frustrated. So, I'm going to try again today. :)

We got the keys to our new apartment yesterday - we're soooo excited! It's so big compared to the 100-year-old-shoebox-of-a-studio we were in before. Praise God! I think I'm going to enjoy our home much more after not having one for a while. I'm really excited that now we get to start decorating our son's room. We got some paint and some cute nautical decorations to go with the bedding set. We don't have a couch or a table or a dresser or a lot of other stuff right now, but we'll worry about that later. We can sit on the floor. Oh wait, I take that back - we have a giant bean bag chair. We can sit in that. :) We do have a friend with couches that we're going to take a look at this weekend. I can't believe the apartment comes with a fridge, a dishwasher and a garbage disposal! Anyway, I'm going to move on now.

Work is going well for me, but Zach is still forcing himself to go everyday. He's having a hard time determining what he really wants to do. I think he's putting limitations on himself because we don't have the money for something right now, or because it takes too long or would require him to go back to school and possibly not make enough to be the provider that he wants to be. I'm just praying that the Lord shows him that He can do all things, and therefore, Zach can do all things through Christ. I wish there was more I could do to help him and it's hard to sit back and not throw my opinion in there all the time. This is something that he has to do, but while he's waiting for something to become obvious, for God to create an opportunity, he's unhappy and frustrated. If you could, just keep him in your prayers ya'll.

So, on a lighter note, the doctor moved the due date up 3 days - so now the baby's due on May 3rd. Only 3 more weeks of work and 5 until he's due. It's crazy how time has flown by. We still have not decided on a name although there are just a few that are in the runnings at the moment. We'll keep ya'll posted.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Our First Family Page

Hey ya'll! I figured with the new baby on the way we need a "family page" so here you go. Now, I don't know how much Zach will be blogging - he's not too computer savvy at the moment - but I'll try to keep you up-to-date. My first task is to get some shots of my rapidly growing pregnant belly on here for those of you non-Californians. But, until then, I'll give you the scoop.

So, our son is obviously practicing some form of martial arts while in utero - he must be preparing for some serious butt kickin' - in the name of Jesus, of course. We still haven't decided on a name - we thought we had one but about 2 weeks ago started getting cold feet and considering other names. We've been living with Zach's aunt and uncle for the last 3 months and we have finally decided to get an apartment and confront the financial burden that is California. It's all good though - we found a place right across the street from my work, so even though I'll be going back to work after maternity leave, at least I won't be far from home. Zach's thinking about going back to school so he can get into a career that isn't so bad for your health. For those of you who don't know, he does drywall and construction in the union and not only is it dangerous, but there is so much fiber glass and dust and smoke in the air constantly that most men who retire from it, only live long enough to collect 18 pension checks - that's like 2 years after retirement. That is, if they make it to retirement. So, he's looking at getting into the medical field like nursing. We'll see how it goes. I'm trying to get him a job here too, because this is a great company to work for. We're praying about it. On top of all of that, we're keeping busy with birthing classes, doctor visits, visiting family, work...and that's about all we can fit in right now. We don't have a "home church" at the moment, we're kind of floating. We've been attending a house church that's been great but they only meet every other Saturday night, so on Sunday's we might go to a local church or head back to Port Hueneme to the church that we're members of and also where I found the Lord and where we got married. It's a great church, it's just a bit far for us to go on a regular basis. But, you know, I think this time of "floating" is also a time of strengthening and Him drawing us closer through new relationships. Anyway, I'm gonna cut myself off now and get back to work.