Saturday, May 19, 2007

So far, so good

Well, it's been quite a rollercoaster! Emotions are everywhere. The first couple of days were not too bad. It seemed like this was do-able and Zach and I were adjusting wonderfully. After about day 3, Gavin began crying and screaming for hours on end and didn't stop until the next evening when we decided to change the way we were feeding him. We figured he might not be latching on properly so he might not be getting enough to eat. Things have mellowed out a bit since then and we're starting to get into a little groove. Starting is key word here. He's already gained a pound and grown an inch, so I guess he's getting enough now. He eats like most boys - he's a bottomless pit. Zach and I are still adjusting, especially since Zach is now working nights - 10 pm to 6 am - at a new job site. It works out pretty well, but right now it's hard for him to find time to sleep. The awesome thing is that he works right down the street now, so no more one hour plus commute. We prayed and prayed about that, so praise God. My family has been a HUGE help with picking up groceries and coming over just to chat. It gets pretty lonely over here in what I now call "The Cave". That's our house, it stays dark for most of the day to accommodate the baby's sleeping patterns. He is getting better about sleeping at night though. He wakes up for feedings, of course, but he doesn't sit up awake for hours after eating - he goes right back to sleep. If he doesn't, you can find me bent over him sleeping in the rocking chair.

Emotionally, every day is different. I've been having a hard time, which was to be expected with all the crazy hormones and stuff. Poor Zach. I feel like I'm on auto-pilot and the full depth of this hasn't hit me because I'm too busy doing what needs to be done - what I was made to do. It's getting a little better though as I get more and more adjusted. Anyway, enough chit chat. Here are some more pictures.