Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Our First Family Page

Hey ya'll! I figured with the new baby on the way we need a "family page" so here you go. Now, I don't know how much Zach will be blogging - he's not too computer savvy at the moment - but I'll try to keep you up-to-date. My first task is to get some shots of my rapidly growing pregnant belly on here for those of you non-Californians. But, until then, I'll give you the scoop.

So, our son is obviously practicing some form of martial arts while in utero - he must be preparing for some serious butt kickin' - in the name of Jesus, of course. We still haven't decided on a name - we thought we had one but about 2 weeks ago started getting cold feet and considering other names. We've been living with Zach's aunt and uncle for the last 3 months and we have finally decided to get an apartment and confront the financial burden that is California. It's all good though - we found a place right across the street from my work, so even though I'll be going back to work after maternity leave, at least I won't be far from home. Zach's thinking about going back to school so he can get into a career that isn't so bad for your health. For those of you who don't know, he does drywall and construction in the union and not only is it dangerous, but there is so much fiber glass and dust and smoke in the air constantly that most men who retire from it, only live long enough to collect 18 pension checks - that's like 2 years after retirement. That is, if they make it to retirement. So, he's looking at getting into the medical field like nursing. We'll see how it goes. I'm trying to get him a job here too, because this is a great company to work for. We're praying about it. On top of all of that, we're keeping busy with birthing classes, doctor visits, visiting family, work...and that's about all we can fit in right now. We don't have a "home church" at the moment, we're kind of floating. We've been attending a house church that's been great but they only meet every other Saturday night, so on Sunday's we might go to a local church or head back to Port Hueneme to the church that we're members of and also where I found the Lord and where we got married. It's a great church, it's just a bit far for us to go on a regular basis. But, you know, I think this time of "floating" is also a time of strengthening and Him drawing us closer through new relationships. Anyway, I'm gonna cut myself off now and get back to work.