Thursday, June 7, 2007

One month check point

So, we've spent the first month trying to figure out if there's something wrong, or if our baby is just fussy. I think he's just fussy. I wouldn't call it colicky, but he's definitely easily upset and not easy to soothe. Plus, he's a REALLY good eater - which means he's crying a lot to be fed. He's already grown 3 inches and gained 4 pounds! I was worried that he's just eating to soothe himself, but the doctor said that's fine as long as he's healthy. So, ok, I can accept that we just have a difficult baby. As long as I know he's healthy and his needs are being met, I can have tons of patience (with the Lord's help, of course) and I can sit for hours rocking him and relaxing. It's the unknown that's irritating - when you don't know if he's hungry, sick, tired, gassy, hot, cold, etc. etc. and you spend all day and night trying to guess which one it is and each time you get rejected with the same scream that says, "YOU'RE KILLING ME!" - that's what's difficult. Those are the days when Zach comes home only to find the two people he loves the most in tears. It is getting a little better as I get to know his cries and the things he likes and doesn't like and I know this whole "fussy stage" typically ends around 3 months, so, we'll be just fine. The only thing is that it's difficult to have anyone else watch him for any amount of time (so that I can take a shower or just get out a for a bit) because I'm the only one learning what he likes and doesn't like and how to soothe the crying. Well, my step mom Monica has been around a lot. She's been the biggest help and a HUGE blessing - spending a few nights with me here and there so I can get more than 4 hours of sleep, coming over so I can take a shower, taking me and Gavin to his doctor appointment when I didn't have a car, picking up groceries for us. For all that she and I have been through in the past and the way I treated before I knew am I blessed that the Lord has put forgiveness in her heart for me. Now, I just have to keep praying that one day she will come to know Christ too. Anyway, gonna get going and prep for the next feeding before I go to bed. God bless.