Sunday, November 11, 2007

We're Montanans Now!

Quick update - we made it. We are in Great Falls, Montana and have been for a month now. I'm sorry it's taken so long for me to update you, but man, what a month it has been. I still feel like I'm losing my mind. I must have left it somewhere on the highway 15. Anyway, we're living with Zach's parents which is wonderful. They are very laid back and welcoming, so no complaints there. Zach is still looking for work. There are a lot of jobs available but not so many that pay what he'll need to support us if I stay home. He's got a few opportunities that are looking promising at the moment and we're just counting on the Lord to place him in the one that's best. I've been home with Gavin who is growing like crazy. He has changed so much just in the month that we've been here. We just bought him a highchair which he loves, he's sitting up by himself now and even starting to pull himself up. He's STILL teething, so everyday is different but so blessed. The weather is not bad at all. We've actually been really blessed to have temps in the 50's and 60's lately. Today is a bit colder so far - it started around 20 and it's slowly warming up. But we've only seen a very very light dusting of snow about a week ago, so things are good. Praise God that we found a church that we really really like and on the first day we sat right in front of two couples from Santa Barbara. We clicked right away and since they both have small children, one has 2-yr-old twins and one has a 9-month-old, we have some things in common. Praise God. That was one thing I was really praying about - meeting friends. They've taken me to they're favorite shops downtown and had us over for dinner. So, that's been a real blessing. God is so good. Please pray that there would be no spiritual slumber for us - that our faith in Christ would be strengthened daily and that we would be a light to this family. Thank you for checking in and please leave a note.

Bless you.
