Thursday, September 27, 2007

The Countdown

We're getting so close to our move and yet it doesn't seem real. I think it's because we haven't exactly pinned down a date. We've been waiting on my employer to determine the date on which I can leave (long story). So, we know it's going to be the second week of October and we've given notice at our apartment complex that we'll be out on the 10th but it's still subject to adjustment. But, we're very excited! I've started my business as a Creative Memories Consultant - yeah! The link to my website will be posted later if you'd like to check it out. :) No pressure. We've packed about half of our stuff but you know when you start packing it doesn't seem like much and then you start pulling stuff out of nooks and crannies that you haven't seen since you moved in and all of a sudden your few boxes turned into 50 boxes? I have a feeling it's going to be like that. The funny thing is though that the Lord has completely prepared us for this - for those of you that don't know us very well - we've attempted to move several times. I've counted 5 actual moves since Zach and I first started dating a little over 3 years ago! We've also "almost moved" a time or two when we packed our stuff only to end up staying after God stretched out His hand and turned us around. So, I have to praise God that we are well prepared. I had to tell my family that we are "actually moving this time". We're sad but excited for a new start.

On another note, Gavin is teething. I'm excited but at the same time I can't wait for it be over - he's a mess. He's having a hard time eating and sleeping, he's had a little fever and he's just plain fussy. Poor Daddy, home with Gavin while Mommy goes to work today. I know this too will pass.

I feel like I have so much going on in my head and my heart today...I just can't get it all out. My Spirit is mourning for a family who lost their their 9-day-old baby girl yesterday who was born with Trisomy-18. If you would like to visit their blog and send prayers their way, I'm sure it would be appreciated. I haven't been having (or, I should say taking) my prayer time in the morning and it's been showing. Zach and I have been bickering a little more than usual, so it's really on my heart to focus more on our relationship and lifting him up. I just found out we've got issues with our medical insurance and although I know it's going to get worked out, I'm frustrated. I just got my Creative Memories business start up kit and I'm excited and want to start working on getting that set up, but considering we're moving it's a little difficult and counterproductive to try to set up my business. (I'm trying to get all of these things off of my mind so I don't dump on Zach when I get home - he really doesn't like that). Hhhhmmm, what else....I guess I just have a lot to do and I need to sit down and prioritize.

Anyway, I'll stop dumping on you guys and talk to the Lord and get this stuff down on paper. Bless you and please send me a note if you stop by.