Friday, May 30, 2008

New Stuff

So, with gas prices sky rocketing, as I'm sure you are all experiencing, we decided to get a motorcycle. We bought an 06' Yamaha R6 this week and Zach is very excited. It's black, of course. He still needs to get licensed so it'll be a few weeks before he's riding it daily, but it should help quite a bit with spending in the gas department. He'll be starting work at Macaroni Grill this coming week and he'll be working doubles for two weeks while they do training and such, so it'll be a little crazy around here. The weather is getting better...I'm afraid to even mention it because it changes so quickly. This is a nice time of year though, it's warm but there's thunder storms and such, so the air has some moisture - it's VERY DRY here otherwise.

Gavin is getting about 5 teeth in right now and we've just come off of, and I'm not even sure we've got them all cleared up, 3 ear infections back to back. Poor Gavin. He's getting so big. He's walking about 90% of the time now, so he's moved into the toddler stage for sure. Not a lot of real words yet though. He calls me Da Da and that's about it for sure, otherwise, it's your best guess. Oh, AND the other day while he was napping he woke up and kind of whined and then tried to lay back down. A few seconds later he woke up again but this time he was whining like he need me, so I went up to check on him and there was a WASP climbing down the rail of his crib! He was stung twice - one on each leg. :( Poor Gavin. Thank God though he was fine a few minutes later and the bites didn't swell, they didn't itch, nothing. They're just little specks now. Phew.

When Zach and I went to pick up the bike the other day we had to drive out to Missoula and it was beautiful with a capital B! We saw 2 bald eagles - that makes 5 since we've been here and the other day we saw 2 foxes, so pretty.

I've been studying, and am a little more than half way through the text book, to get my personal trainer certificate and I will probably be returning to work after that, at least part time. I'm really excited because I think the Lord is going to use this skill to reach young women who, like I was, are so desperate to be "beautiful" as the world tells us beautiful is. Thank God I know the Truth now and I think this will be a great tool to reaching out to those who might be hurting. Thank you Lord.

I just joined a new play group that's really active, so hopefully I'll make some friends. They all seem really fun and nice, so praise God.